Tuesday, June 12, 2007

12th June 2007


Pumpkins - should be ready for halloween

Peas and strawberries

Peas and Strawberries

More Strawberries





28th May 2007

Update 28th May 2007
how do you like our swimming pool/allotment.....
4-6" of water.... :(

Small Lake

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Weekend Progress

Like I said, Bank Holiday weekend and lots to do. Unfortunately its like a monsoon outdoors today so lucky we did plenty yesterday! The main job was boxing in two new beds, one for the cauliflowers and broccoli which hopefully will come up towards winter, and the other has our sunflower competition starting, and will also be filled with summer salad things like lettuce and spinach.

The nice bit of the plot

PSB seedlings :)

Sunflower Seedlings starting off

Another important thing we have done is create a trellis type thing for the peas and cucumbers to be trained up. This was made from thrown away pieces of cable management from a company.


Forgot to say in the last post, the potatoes and onions have taken off as well and since there is no pics of them since they were tiny, here they are now!

And even more exciting, here is our first produce ever- small but tasted great :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

After the rain..

Well, it has rained a fair bit recently, and the plants seem to have loved it. I can't belive I haven't posted anything since the last, but here are the recent pics: New (nearly new) shed :)
Pea Flowers
Peas growing too tall for the sticks!
Pods at last!
Strawberry flowers

Bank holiday weekend now, and plenty of jobs still to do. Have loads of ideas but running out of space!! Can't wait for first eats from the plot

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

First Growth!!

Well apart from the weeds that is. Here are some pictures of onions, and what we think might be potatoes, well they're growing where we planted the potatoes anyway!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Weekend Update 21/4/07

Busy weekend!! Irresistible offer of a free shed, but unfortunately miles away. Saturday all taken up with collecting said shed, and Sunday putting up shed. Here are some pics of the progress through the day...

...after "refurbishing" the rotten bottoms on the back and side...and rebuilding the whole front!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Stawberries and other fruits...

Well, last weekend was mostly taken up with creating a box for strawberries to live in. Apparently this help keeps the slugs off and makes the fruit easier to keep off the ground.

And now we have 6 strawberry plants with little flowers on, hopefully we'll get some before the birds!!

In other fruit news, I have found an adorable tiny dwarf apple tree in the nursery near us, and I'm very tempted by it. But haven't bought one yet...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Overall plan